Microcontrollers Hands-on Course for Arduino Starters (Bundle)

  • BrandElektor Bundles


Realize your own projects with the Elektor Arduino Nano MCCAB Training Board

The microcontroller is probably the most fascinating subfield of electronics. Due to the multitude of functions, it combines on its chip, it is a universal multi-tool for developers to realize their projects. Practically every device of daily use today is controlled by a microcontroller. However, for an electronic layman, realizing his own ideas with a microcontroller has so far remained a pipe dream due to its complexity. The Arduino concept has largely simplified the use of microcontrollers, so that now even laymen can realize their own electronics ideas with a microcontroller.

Book & Hardware in the Bundle: 'Learning by Doing'

This book, which is included in the bundle, shows how you can realize your own projects with a microcontroller even without much experience in electronics and programming languages. It is a microcontrollers hands-on course for starters, because after an overview of the internals of the microcontroller and an introduction to the programming language C, the focus of the course is on the practical exercises. The reader acquires the necessary knowledge by 'learning by doing': in the extensive practical section with 12 projects and 46 exercises, what is learned in the front part of the book is underpinned with many examples. The exercises are structured in such a way that the user is given a task to solve using the knowledge built up in the theoretical part of the book. Each exercise is followed by a sample solution that is explained and commented on in detail, which helps the user to solve problems and compare it with his own solution.

Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE is a software development environment that can be downloaded for free to your own PC and that contains the entire software package needed for your own microcontroller projects. You write your programs ('apps') with the IDE’s editor in the C programming language. You translate them into the bits and bytes that the microcontroller understands using the Arduino IDE's built-in compiler, and then load them into the microcontroller's memory on the Elektor Arduino MCCAB Nano Training Board via a USB cable.

Query or control external sensors, motors or assemblies

In addition to an Arduino Nano microcontroller module, the Elektor Arduino Nano MCCAB Training Board contains all the components required for the exercises, such as light-emitting diodes, switches, pushbuttons, acoustic signal transmitters, etc. External sensors, motors or assemblies can also be queried or controlled with this microcontroller training system.

Specifications (Arduino Nano MCCAB Training Board)

Power Supply Via the USB connection of the connected PC or an external power supply unit (not included)
Operating Voltage +5 Vcc
Input Voltage All inputs 0 V to +5 V
VX1 and VX2 +8 V to +12 V (only when using an external power supply)
Hardware periphery LCD 2x16 characters
Potentiometer P1 & P2 JP3: selection of operating voltage of P1 & P2
Distributor SV4: Distributor for the operating voltages
SV5, SV6: Distributor for the inputs/outputs of the microcontroller
Switches and buttons RESET button on the Arduino Nano module 6x pushbutton switches K1 ... K6 6x slide switches S1 ... S6 JP2: Connection of the switches with the inputs of the microcontroller
Buzzer Piezo buzzer Buzzer1 with jumper on JP6
Indicator lights 11 x LED: Status indicator for the inputs/outputs LED L on the Arduino Nano module, connected to GPIO D13 JP6: Connection of LEDs LD10 ... LD20 with GPIOs D2 ... D12
Serial interfaces
JP4: Selection of the signal at pin X of the SPI connector SV12 SV9 to SV12: SPI interface (3.3 V/5 V) or I²C interface
Switching output for external devices SV1, SV7: Switching output (maximum +24 V/160 mA, externally supplied) SV2: 2x13 pins for connection of external modules
3x3 LED matrix
(9 red LEDs)
SV3: Columns of the 3x3 LED matrix (outputs D6 ... D8) JP1: Connection of the rows with the GPIOs D3 ... D5
Software Library MCCABLib Control of hardware components (switches, buttons, LEDs, 3x3 LED matrix, buzzer) on the MCCAB Training Board
Operating Temperature Up to +40 °C
Dimensions 100 x 100 x 20 mm

Specifications (Arduino Nano)

Microcontroller ATmega328P
Architecture AVR
Operating Voltage 5 V
Flash Memory 32 KB, of which 2 KB used by bootloader
Clock Speed 16 MHz
Analog IN Pins 8
DC Current per I/O Pins 40 mA on one I/O pin, total maximum 200 mA on all pins together
Input Voltage 7-12 V
Digital I/O Pins 22 (6 of which are PWM)
PWM Output 6
Power Consumption 19 mA
Dimensions 18 x 45 mm
Weight 7 g


  • 1x Elektor Arduino Nano Training Board MCCAB
  • 1x Book 'Microcontrollers Hands-on Course for Arduino Starters'
  • 1x Arduino Nano

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Realize your own projects with the Elektor Arduino Nano MCCAB Training Board The microcontroller is probably the most fascinating subfield... Read more

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€ 119,95€ 99,95 incl. VAT
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    SKU: 20440
    EAN: 020440
    Author: Wolfgang Trampert
    Language: English
    Pages: 455 (Full Color)
    Format: 17 x 23.5 cm (Paperback)


    Realize your own projects with the Elektor Arduino Nano MCCAB Training Board

    The microcontroller is probably the most fascinating subfield of electronics. Due to the multitude of functions, it combines on its chip, it is a universal multi-tool for developers to realize their projects. Practically every device of daily use today is controlled by a microcontroller. However, for an electronic layman, realizing his own ideas with a microcontroller has so far remained a pipe dream due to its complexity. The Arduino concept has largely simplified the use of microcontrollers, so that now even laymen can realize their own electronics ideas with a microcontroller.

    Book & Hardware in the Bundle: 'Learning by Doing'

    This book, which is included in the bundle, shows how you can realize your own projects with a microcontroller even without much experience in electronics and programming languages. It is a microcontrollers hands-on course for starters, because after an overview of the internals of the microcontroller and an introduction to the programming language C, the focus of the course is on the practical exercises. The reader acquires the necessary knowledge by 'learning by doing': in the extensive practical section with 12 projects and 46 exercises, what is learned in the front part of the book is underpinned with many examples. The exercises are structured in such a way that the user is given a task to solve using the knowledge built up in the theoretical part of the book. Each exercise is followed by a sample solution that is explained and commented on in detail, which helps the user to solve problems and compare it with his own solution.

    Arduino IDE

    The Arduino IDE is a software development environment that can be downloaded for free to your own PC and that contains the entire software package needed for your own microcontroller projects. You write your programs ('apps') with the IDE’s editor in the C programming language. You translate them into the bits and bytes that the microcontroller understands using the Arduino IDE's built-in compiler, and then load them into the microcontroller's memory on the Elektor Arduino MCCAB Nano Training Board via a USB cable.

    Query or control external sensors, motors or assemblies

    In addition to an Arduino Nano microcontroller module, the Elektor Arduino Nano MCCAB Training Board contains all the components required for the exercises, such as light-emitting diodes, switches, pushbuttons, acoustic signal transmitters, etc. External sensors, motors or assemblies can also be queried or controlled with this microcontroller training system.

    Specifications (Arduino Nano MCCAB Training Board)

    Power Supply Via the USB connection of the connected PC or an external power supply unit (not included)
    Operating Voltage +5 Vcc
    Input Voltage All inputs 0 V to +5 V
    VX1 and VX2 +8 V to +12 V (only when using an external power supply)
    Hardware periphery LCD 2x16 characters
    Potentiometer P1 & P2 JP3: selection of operating voltage of P1 & P2
    Distributor SV4: Distributor for the operating voltages
    SV5, SV6: Distributor for the inputs/outputs of the microcontroller
    Switches and buttons RESET button on the Arduino Nano module 6x pushbutton switches K1 ... K6 6x slide switches S1 ... S6 JP2: Connection of the switches with the inputs of the microcontroller
    Buzzer Piezo buzzer Buzzer1 with jumper on JP6
    Indicator lights 11 x LED: Status indicator for the inputs/outputs LED L on the Arduino Nano module, connected to GPIO D13 JP6: Connection of LEDs LD10 ... LD20 with GPIOs D2 ... D12
    Serial interfaces
    SPI & I²C
    JP4: Selection of the signal at pin X of the SPI connector SV12 SV9 to SV12: SPI interface (3.3 V/5 V) or I²C interface
    Switching output for external devices SV1, SV7: Switching output (maximum +24 V/160 mA, externally supplied) SV2: 2x13 pins for connection of external modules
    3x3 LED matrix
    (9 red LEDs)
    SV3: Columns of the 3x3 LED matrix (outputs D6 ... D8) JP1: Connection of the rows with the GPIOs D3 ... D5
    Software Library MCCABLib Control of hardware components (switches, buttons, LEDs, 3x3 LED matrix, buzzer) on the MCCAB Training Board
    Operating Temperature Up to +40 °C
    Dimensions 100 x 100 x 20 mm

    Specifications (Arduino Nano)

    Microcontroller ATmega328P
    Architecture AVR
    Operating Voltage 5 V
    Flash Memory 32 KB, of which 2 KB used by bootloader
    SRAM 2 KB
    Clock Speed 16 MHz
    Analog IN Pins 8
    DC Current per I/O Pins 40 mA on one I/O pin, total maximum 200 mA on all pins together
    Input Voltage 7-12 V
    Digital I/O Pins 22 (6 of which are PWM)
    PWM Output 6
    Power Consumption 19 mA
    Dimensions 18 x 45 mm
    Weight 7 g


    • 1x Elektor Arduino Nano Training Board MCCAB
    • 1x Book 'Microcontrollers Hands-on Course for Arduino Starters'
    • 1x Arduino Nano

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 2 reviews
    Albert v.B.
    Prima boek en bijbehorende Arduino ontwikkelomgeving!

    Perfect geschreven boek met mooie voorbeelden die niet alleen zal gaan helpen om de Arduino Nano en Pro Mini modules rond de Atmel Atmega328p processor te doorgronden maar tegelijk ook kan helpen om het programmeren in C te leren!
    Maar als u Arduino offline gebruikt zonder internetverbinding in bijvoorbeeld een nieuwe Windows 10 of hoger versie, vergeet dan niet om eventueel de ook geïnstalleerde Malware Bytes Pro Trial versie of de Windows Defender te controlleren. Want in mijn geval blokkeerde Malware bytes volkomen onverwachts en onnodig de installatie van de benodigde Arduino libraries bij het ontwikkelboard! En had deze ook nog doodleuk Defender gedeactiveerd! Wat mij de nodige uren heeft gekost voordat ik hier achter kwam.

    Ro N.
    Geweldig "hands-on" boek.

    Dit is nu echt een boek waar ik al jaren naar op zoek ben. Begint NIET met een uiteenzetting van wat voor verschillende Arduino's er allemaal zijn, begint NIET met een soldeercursus, begint NIET met een uitleg over elektronica, NIET over wat voor gereedschap je allemaal nodig zult gaan hebben en ook NIET met wat voor uitbreidingen / shields en sensoren er voor de Arduino allemaal zijn (dat weet ik inmiddels wel).

    Wat het wel doet, is een heldere en begrijpelijke uitleg geven, hoe de diverse commando's, functies e.d. opgebouwd zijn en hoe ze werken. Ik begrijp nu ineens hoe struct, array en data types werken. Ik ben pas in het begin van het boek, maar denk hiermee een heel stuk verder te kunnen komen.

    Let op !! Het is wel in het Engels, maar als dat geen probleem is, is het een geweldig boek.

    Kortom, ik denk heel veel plezier aan dit boek te zullen beleven!

    Ruud Noordam.


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