Control Your Home with Raspberry Pi

  • BrandElektor Publishing


Secure, Modular, Open-Source and Self-Sufficient

Ever since the Raspberry Pi was introduced, it has been used by enthusiasts to automate their homes. The Raspberry Pi is a powerful computer in a small package, with lots of interfacing options to control various devices. This book shows you how you can automate your home with a Raspberry Pi. You’ll learn how to use various wireless protocols for home automation, such as Bluetooth, 433.92 MHz radio waves, Z-Wave, and Zigbee. Soon you’ll automate your home with Python, Node-RED, and Home Assistant, and you’ll even be able to speak to your home automation system. All this is done securely, with a modular system, completely open-source, without relying on third-party services. You’re in control of your home, and no one else.

At the end of this book, you can install and configure your Raspberry Pi as a highly flexible home automation gateway for protocols of your choice, and link various services with MQTT to make it your own system. This DIY (do it yourself) approach is a bit more laborious than just installing an off-the-shelf home automation system, but in the process, you can learn a lot, and in the end, you know exactly what’s running your house and how to tweak it. This is why you were interested in the Raspberry Pi in the first place, right?

  • Turn your Raspberry Pi into a reliable gateway for various home automation protocols.
  • Make your home automation setup reproducible with Docker Compose.
  • Secure all your network communication with TLS.
  • Create a video surveillance system for your home.
  • Automate your home with Python, Node-RED, Home Assistant and AppDaemon.
  • Securely access your home automation dashboard from remote locations.
  • Use fully offline voice commands in your own language.


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Secure, Modular, Open-Source and Self-SufficientEver since the Raspberry Pi was introduced, it has been used by enthusiasts to automate their... Read more

€ 44,95 incl. VAT
Members € 40,46


      SKU: 19392
      EAN: 9781907920943
      ISBN: 978-1-907920-94-3
      Author: Koen Vervloesem
      Language: English
      Pages: 331 (Full Color)
      Format: 17 x 23.5 cm (Paperback)


      Secure, Modular, Open-Source and Self-Sufficient

      Ever since the Raspberry Pi was introduced, it has been used by enthusiasts to automate their homes. The Raspberry Pi is a powerful computer in a small package, with lots of interfacing options to control various devices. This book shows you how you can automate your home with a Raspberry Pi. You’ll learn how to use various wireless protocols for home automation, such as Bluetooth, 433.92 MHz radio waves, Z-Wave, and Zigbee. Soon you’ll automate your home with Python, Node-RED, and Home Assistant, and you’ll even be able to speak to your home automation system. All this is done securely, with a modular system, completely open-source, without relying on third-party services. You’re in control of your home, and no one else.

      At the end of this book, you can install and configure your Raspberry Pi as a highly flexible home automation gateway for protocols of your choice, and link various services with MQTT to make it your own system. This DIY (do it yourself) approach is a bit more laborious than just installing an off-the-shelf home automation system, but in the process, you can learn a lot, and in the end, you know exactly what’s running your house and how to tweak it. This is why you were interested in the Raspberry Pi in the first place, right?

      • Turn your Raspberry Pi into a reliable gateway for various home automation protocols.
      • Make your home automation setup reproducible with Docker Compose.
      • Secure all your network communication with TLS.
      • Create a video surveillance system for your home.
      • Automate your home with Python, Node-RED, Home Assistant and AppDaemon.
      • Securely access your home automation dashboard from remote locations.
      • Use fully offline voice commands in your own language.


      Customer Reviews

      Based on 1 review
      Ronald B.
      Heel leuk boek om door te werken

      Control Your Home with Rasberry Pi is een leuk en interessant boek om door te werken. De schrijver beschrijft en legt vele protocollen uit en hoe je deze via docker kan koppelen , uitlezen en verwerken en hoe je met verschillende docker containers kan werken op 1 systeem.

      Een paar kleine puntjes waar ik tegen aanliep op het moment wanneer ik het boek doorwerkte :
      1.,Blz36/37 hang gewoon een terminal en toetsenboard aan de rasberry pi en stel Wifi,SSH met $ sudo raspi-config in.
      2.,Blz40 bovenaan het raspi-conf menu is wat veranderd
      3.,Blz48 docker compose moet je wat anders installeren anders moet je voor de encryptie een hele compiler installeren. $ sudo pip3 install cryptography==3.4.8 en dan $ sudo pip3 install docker-compose
      4.,VANAF blz48 overal waar `docker-compose` staat (behalve bij yml files) moet `docker compose` worden ingetypt voorbeeld $ docker-compose ?. wordt $ docker compose ??. Doordat we van V1 naar V2 zijn overgegaan
      5.,Let bij config files zoals docker-compose.yml op dat men spaties en GEEN tabs gebruikt en dat het gebruik van spaties HEEL nou komt een fout is snel gemaakt
      6.,Blz84: In file mosquitto.conf toevoegen in begin van de file: allow_anonymous true (veranderd sinds v1.7 2022 default value is false)
      7.,Blz93:gratis versie is geworden


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