Microcontroller Basics with PIC

  • BrandElektor Publishing


In this book the author presents all essential aspects of microcontroller programming, without overloading the reader with unnecessary or quasi-relevant bits of information. Having read the book, you should be able to understand as well as program, 8-bit microcontrollers.

The introduction to microcontroller programming is worked out using microcontrollers from the PIC series. Not exactly state-of-the-art with just 8 bits, the PIC micro has the advantage of being easy to comprehend. It is offered in a DIP enclosure, widely available and not overly complex. The entire datasheet of the PIC micro is shorter by decades than the description of the architecture outlining the processor section of an advanced microcontroller. Simplicity has its advantages here. Having mastered the fundamental operation of a microcontroller, you can easily enter into the realms of advanced softcores later.

Having placed assembly code as the executive programming language in the foreground in the first part of the book, the author reaches a deeper level with ‘C’ in the second part. Cheerfully alongside the official subject matter, the book presents tips & tricks, interesting measurement technology, practical aspects of microcontroller programming, as well as hands-on options for easier working, debugging and faultfinding.

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In this book the author presents all essential aspects of microcontroller programming, without overloading the reader with unnecessary or quasi-relevant... Read more

€ 39,95 incl. VAT
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      SKU: 19188
      EAN: 9781907920813
      ISBN: 978-1-907920-81-3
      Author: Tam Hanna
      Language: English
      Pages: 318
      Format: 14 x 21 cm (Paperback)


      In this book the author presents all essential aspects of microcontroller programming, without overloading the reader with unnecessary or quasi-relevant bits of information. Having read the book, you should be able to understand as well as program, 8-bit microcontrollers.

      The introduction to microcontroller programming is worked out using microcontrollers from the PIC series. Not exactly state-of-the-art with just 8 bits, the PIC micro has the advantage of being easy to comprehend. It is offered in a DIP enclosure, widely available and not overly complex. The entire datasheet of the PIC micro is shorter by decades than the description of the architecture outlining the processor section of an advanced microcontroller. Simplicity has its advantages here. Having mastered the fundamental operation of a microcontroller, you can easily enter into the realms of advanced softcores later.

      Having placed assembly code as the executive programming language in the foreground in the first part of the book, the author reaches a deeper level with ‘C’ in the second part. Cheerfully alongside the official subject matter, the book presents tips & tricks, interesting measurement technology, practical aspects of microcontroller programming, as well as hands-on options for easier working, debugging and faultfinding.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 5 reviews
      Thierry S.
      Très content

      Les 3 ouvrages correspondaient bien a mon attente., et l'expédition a été très rapide. Un grand merci à toute l'équipe Elektor. Salutations

      Schlomo R.
      Excellent book

      This book has greatly helped me on my endevour to program PIC chips. The assembly language explanation in the first part limits itself to making Assembly understandable, while the rest of the book then shows practical applications in C

      No Assembly language

      Progamming language is C :-( Whatever happened to Assembly?

      Not really for a novice

      I had high hopes of this book - in the Basics range. Unfortunately, although the author is no doubt very knowledgeable about PICS, his presentation seems muddled and very difficult to follow. I have read 4 chapters so far, and I do not feel I understand anything more about using a PIC than when I started. The tables and diagrams are too small to be read easily, often the text around then does not refer to the picture.
      Concepts are mentioned and then left. Code is typed and not explained step by step, instructions are explained assuming a much higher level of knowledge or experience than a reader starting out could possibly have.
      What a shame!

      Leuk, maar moeilijk boek

      Moet nog beginnen aan het boek, lijkt heel interessant. Nadeel is dat er veel tekst in afbeeldingen staat die zonder vergrootglas niet te lezen is. Daarnaast wordt een PIC 16F18877 als basis gebruikt die niet regulier verkrijgbaar is. Via knutselaar.eu toch aan weten te komen. Weinig hulp van Elektor hierbij.


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