With this kit you can built all the projects described in the book 'Mastering the Arduino Uno R4'. The kit comes with several LEDs, sensors, actuators, and other components. The purpose of the kit is to make a flying start with hardware and software aspects of projects designed around the Arduino Uno microcontroller system.
- 1x RFID reader module
- 1x DS1302 clock module
- 1x 5 V stepper motor
- 1x '2003' stepper motor drive board
- 5x Green LED
- 5x Yellow LED
- 5x Red LED
- 2x Rocker switch
- 1x Flame sensor
- 1x LM35 sensor module
- 1x Infrared receiver
- 3x Light-dependent resistors (LDRs)
- 1x IR remote controller
- 1x Breadboard
- 4x Pushbutton (with four caps)
- 1x Buzzer
- 1x Piezo sounder
- 1x Adjustable resistor (potentiometer)
- 1x 74HC595 shift register
- 1x 7-segment display
- 1x 4-digit 7-segment display
- 1x 8x8 Dot-matrix display
- 1x 1602 / I²C LCD module
- 1x DHT11 Temperature and humidity module
- 1x Relay module
- 1x Sound module
- Set of Dupont cables
- Set of Breadboard cables
- 1x Water sensor
- 1x PS2 Joystick
- 5x 1 k-ohm resistor
- 5x 10 k-ohm resistor
- 5x 220-ohm resistor
- 1x 4x4 keypad module
- 1x 9g Servo (25 cm)
- 1x RFID card
- 1x RGB module
- 1x 9 V battery DC jack
Not included
- Mastering the Arduino Uno R4 (Book)
- Arduino Uno R3/R4 (Board)