Explore ATtiny Microcontrollers using C and Assembly Language (E-book)


AVR Architecture and Programming

An in-depth look at the 8-bit AVR architecture found in ATtiny and ATmega microcontrollers, mainly from a software and programming point of view. Explore the AVR architecture using C and assembly language in Microchip Studio (formerly Atmel Studio) with ATtiny microcontrollers.

  • Learn the details of how AVR microcontrollers work internally, including the internal registers and memory map of ATtiny devices.
  • Program ATtiny microcontrollers using an Atmel-ICE programmer/debugger, or use a cheap hobby programmer, or even an Arduino Uno as a programmer.
  • Most code examples can be run using the Microchip Studio AVR simulator.
  • Learn to write programs for ATtiny microcontrollers in assembly language.
  • See how assembly language is converted to machine code instructions by the assembler program.
  • Find out how programs written in the C programming language end up as assembly language and finally as machine code instructions.
  • Use the Microchip Studio debugger in combination with a hardware USB programmer/debugger to test assembly and C language programs, or use the Microchip Studio AVR simulator.
  • DIP packaged ATtiny microcontrollers are used in this volume for easy use on electronic breadboards, targeting mainly the ATtiny13(A) and ATtiny25/45/85.
  • Learn about instruction timing and clocks in AVR microcontrollers using ATtiny devices.
  • Be on your way to becoming an AVR expert with advanced debugging and programming skills.

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AVR Architecture and Programming An in-depth look at the 8-bit AVR architecture found in ATtiny and ATmega microcontrollers, mainly from... Read more

€ 34,95 incl. VAT
Members € 31,46


    SKU: 20008
    EAN: 978-3-89576-480-6
    ISBN: 978-3-89576-480-6
    Author: Warwick A. Smith
    Language: English
    Pages: 376
    Format: PDF


    AVR Architecture and Programming

    An in-depth look at the 8-bit AVR architecture found in ATtiny and ATmega microcontrollers, mainly from a software and programming point of view. Explore the AVR architecture using C and assembly language in Microchip Studio (formerly Atmel Studio) with ATtiny microcontrollers.

    • Learn the details of how AVR microcontrollers work internally, including the internal registers and memory map of ATtiny devices.
    • Program ATtiny microcontrollers using an Atmel-ICE programmer/debugger, or use a cheap hobby programmer, or even an Arduino Uno as a programmer.
    • Most code examples can be run using the Microchip Studio AVR simulator.
    • Learn to write programs for ATtiny microcontrollers in assembly language.
    • See how assembly language is converted to machine code instructions by the assembler program.
    • Find out how programs written in the C programming language end up as assembly language and finally as machine code instructions.
    • Use the Microchip Studio debugger in combination with a hardware USB programmer/debugger to test assembly and C language programs, or use the Microchip Studio AVR simulator.
    • DIP packaged ATtiny microcontrollers are used in this volume for easy use on electronic breadboards, targeting mainly the ATtiny13(A) and ATtiny25/45/85.
    • Learn about instruction timing and clocks in AVR microcontrollers using ATtiny devices.
    • Be on your way to becoming an AVR expert with advanced debugging and programming skills.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Régis S.B.
    Excellent, mais...

    Je n'ai encore fait que parcourir cet ouvrage, qui me semble assez exhaustif, et très didactique sur le 'C' et l'assembleur.
    Enormément de connaissances à acquérir ou à réviser.

    Cependant, je regrette l'absence d'indications ou d'exemples concernant la gestion des affichages (OLED, LCD? ...), mis à part les LEDs bien sûr.

    J'aurais aimé également une version francisée, car bien que je puisse suivre l'anglais, cela faciliterait l'assimilation.
    Peut-être pourrais-je postuler un jour pour effectuer quelques traductions ?


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