Raspberry Pi Accessories

7 products

  • Raspberry Pi Full Stack

    Raspberry Pi Full Stack

    A comprehensive course that will teach you how to build a modern IoT application This book will take you on a whirlwind tour of full-stack web application development using Raspberry Pi. You will learn how to build an application from the ground up. You will gain experience and know-how of technologies including: The Linux operating system and command line. The Python programming language. The Raspberry Pi General Purpose Input Output pins (GPIOs). The Nginx web server. Flask Python web application microframework. JQuery and CSS for creating user interfaces. Dealing with time zones. Creating charts with Plotly and Google Charts. Data logging with Google Sheet. Developing applets with IFTTT. Securing your application with SSL. Receiving SMS notifications to your phone using Twilio. This book will also teach you how to set up a remote wireless Arduino sensor node and collect data from it. Your Raspberry Pi web application will be able to process Arduino node data in the same way it processes data from its onboard sensor. Raspberry Pi Full Stack will teach you many skills essential to building Web and Internet of Things applications. The application you will build in this project is a platform that you can extend upon. This is just the start of what you can do with a Raspberry Pi and the software and hardware components that you will learn about. This book is supported by the author via a dedicated discussion space.

    € 39,95

    Members € 35,96

  • Motor Control – Projects met Arduino & Raspberry Pi

    Motor Control – Projects with Arduino & Raspberry Pi

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    This book is about DC electric motors and their use in Arduino and Raspberry Pi Zero W based projects. The book includes many tested and working projects where each project has the following sub-headings: Title of the project Description of the project Block diagram Circuit diagram Project assembly Complete program listing of the project Full description of the program The projects in the book cover the standard DC motors, stepper motors, servo motors, and mobile robots. The book is aimed at students, hobbyists, and anyone else interested in developing microcontroller based projects using the Arduino Uno or the Raspberry Pi Zero W. One of the nice features of this book is that it gives complete projects for remote control of a mobile robot from a mobile phone, using the Arduino Uno as well as the Raspberry Pi Zero W development boards. These projects are developed using Wi-Fi as well as the Bluetooth connectivity with the mobile phone. Readers should be able to move a robot forward, reverse, turn left, or turn right by sending simple commands from a mobile phone. Full program listings of all the projects as well as the detailed program descriptions are given in the book. Users should be able to use the projects as they are presented, or modify them to suit to their own needs.

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    € 32,95

    Members € 29,66

  • Multitasking with Raspberry Pi

    Multitasking with Raspberry Pi

    Multitasking and multiprocessing have become a very important topic in microcontroller-based systems, namely in complex commercial, domestic, and industrial automation applications. As the complexity of projects grows, more functionalities are demanded from the projects. Such projects require the use of multiple inter-related tasks running on the same system and sharing the available resources, such as the CPU, memory, and input-output ports. As a result of this, the importance of multitasking operations in microcontroller-based applications has grown steadily over the last few years. Many complex automation projects now make use of some form of a multitasking kernel.This book is project-based and its main aim is to teach the basic features of multitasking using the Python 3 programming language on Raspberry Pi. Many fully tested projects are provided in the book using the multitasking modules of Python. Each project is described fully and in detail. Complete program listings are given for each project. Readers should be able to use the projects as they are, or modify them to suit their own needs.The following Python multitasking modules have been described and used in the projects: Fork Thread Threading Subprocess Multiprocessing The book includes simple multitasking projects such as independently controlling multiple LEDs, to more complex multitasking projects such as on/off temperature control, traffic lights control, 2-digit, and 4-digit 7-segment LED event counter, reaction timer, stepper motor control, keypad based projects, car park controller, and many more. The fundamental multitasking concepts such as process synchronization, process communication, and memory sharing techniques have been described in projects concerning event flags, queues, semaphores, values, and so on.

    € 34,95

    Members € 31,46

  • Explore the Raspberry Pi in 45 Electronics Projects (3rd Edition)

    Explore the Raspberry Pi in 45 Electronics Projects (3rd Edition)

    3rd Edition – Fully updated for Raspberry Pi 4The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap but complete computer system that allows all sorts of electronics parts and extensions to be connected. This book addresses one of the strongest aspects of the Raspberry Pi: the ability to combine hands-on electronics and programming.Combine hands-on electronics and programmingAfter a short introduction to the Raspberry Pi you proceed with installing the required software. The SD card that can be purchased in conjunction with this book contains everything to get started with the Raspberry Pi. At the side of the (optional) Windows PC, software is used which is free for downloading. The book continues with a concise introduction to the Linux operating system, after which you start programming in Bash, Python 3 and Javascript. Although the emphasis is on Python, the coverage is brief and to the point in all cases – just enabling you to grasp the essence of all projects and start adapting them to your requirements. All set, you can carry on with fun projects.The book is ideal for self-studyNo fewer than 45 exciting and compelling projects are discussed and elaborated in detail. From a flashing lights to driving an electromotor; from processing and generating analog signals to a lux meter and a temperature control. We also move to more complex projects like a motor speed controller, a web server with CGI, client-server applications and Xwindows programs.Each project has details of the way it got designed that wayThe process of reading, building, and programming not only provides insight into the Raspberry Pi, Python, and the electronic parts used, but also enables you to modify or extend the projects any way you like. Also, feel free to combine several projects into a larger design.

    € 34,95

    Members € 31,46

  •  -67% Innovate with Sense HAT for Raspberry Pi

    Innovate with Sense HAT for Raspberry Pi

    Ready to explore the world around you? By attaching the Sense HAT to your Raspberry Pi, you can quickly and easily develop a variety of creative applications, useful experiments, and exciting games.The Sense HAT contains several helpful environmental sensors: temperature, humidity, pressure, accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope. Additionally, an 8x8 LED matrix is provided with RGB LEDs, which can be used to display multi-color scrolling or fixed information, such as the sensor data. Use the small onboard joystick for games or applications that require user input. In Innovate with Sense HAT for Raspberry Pi, Dr. Dogan Ibrahim explains how to use the Sense HAT in Raspberry Pi Zero W-based projects. Using simple terms, he details how to incorporate the Sense HAT board in interesting visual and sensor-based projects. You can complete all the projects with other Raspberry Pi models without any modifications.Exploring with Sense HAT for Raspberry Pi includes projects featuring external hardware components in addition to the Sense HAT board. You will learn to connect the Sense HAT board to the Raspberry Pi using jumper wires so that some of the GPIO ports are free to be interfaced to external components, such as to buzzers, relays, LEDs, LCDs, motors, and other sensors.The book includes full program listings and detailed project descriptions. Complete circuit diagrams of the projects using external components are given where necessary. All the projects were developed using the latest version of the Python 3 programming language. You can easily download projects from the book’s web page. Let’s start exploring with Sense HAT.

    € 29,95€ 9,95

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  • The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Guide

    Raspberry Pi Foundation The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Guide

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    Take pictures and shoot video with your Raspberry Pi. Connecting a High Quality Camera or Camera Module turns your favourite credit-card-sized computer into a powerful digital camera. Learn how to set up and control the camera to capture stills and video footage. Discover the numerous modes and effects available, and use the camera in a variety of exciting projects across 17 packed chapters: Set up the new High Quality Camera, attach a lens, and start capturing images Take selfies and shoot stop-motion videos Build a wildlife camera and also an underwater one Make a smart door with a video doorbell Set up a security camera to monitor your home And much, much more!

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    € 19,95

    Members € 17,96

  • Programming the Raspberry Pi (3rd Edition)

    McGraw Hill Education Programming the Raspberry Pi (3rd Edition)

    Getting Started with Python This fully updated guide shows how to create inventive programs and fun games on your powerful Raspberry Pi--with no programming experience required. Programming the Raspberry Pi, Third Edition addresses physical changes and new setup procedures as well as OS updates to the current version 4. You will discover how to configure hardware and software, write Python scripts, create user-friendly GUIs, and control external electronics. Step-by-step projects include a digital clock prototype and a fully functioning Raspberry Pi robot. Configure your Raspberry Pi and explore its features Start writing and debugging Python programs Use strings, lists, functions, and dictionaries Work with modules, classes, and methods Apply object-oriented development methods Create user-friendly games using Pygame Build intuitive user interfaces with guizero Interface with hardware using the gpiozero library Attach external electronics through the GPIO port Add powerful Web features to your projects

    € 19,95

    Members € 17,96


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