This book has some really good points, especially if you want to use the Arduino (Energia) environment. The examples are a bit too simple for my taste, and not practical for what I needed to know about the MSP430 architecture but good for a novice to both microcontrollers and Arduino enthusiasts. I do think the book needed a good editor that could make the flow a bit easier to follow. In fairness, I stopped reading when the book placed more emphasis on the Energia environment, simple code, and lack of detailed discussion on the low-level setup of the peripherals. In all fairness, the author did state that the low-level details were not going to be discussed at length. So, I would recommend this book to those that want to use the MSP430 in a project where you can get a simple project working fast, and have exposure to the Arduino IDE. If you are looking for a thorough description of the MSP430 theory of operation, and a rigorous discussion of the low-level MSP430 functioning, I would recommend Brock LaMeres, `Embedded Systems Design Brock J. LaMeres Using the MSP430FR2355 LaunchPad?`, SECOND EDITION as a follow-on to this book.